Pro Bono
Etymology: Latin pro bono publico for the public good.
At BDHA we have a long-standing commitment to providing community service. Our commitment goes beyond mere words to works and deeds. We believe that providing our Professional Loss Prevention and Security Management Consulting Services, Pro Bono to those who qualify is our civic duty. Accordingly, we devote a percentage of our annual billable hours every year to Pro Bono assignments. Our Pro Bono assignments receive the same level of professional attention, scrutiny and review as our billable assignments.
Each year we survey our clients and community representatives to identify the needs in the community and seek out Pro Bono consulting opportunities for our firm. We seek diversity in our Pro Bono assignments and are willing to work with a variety public interest organizations that qualify and that match our consulting expertise.
At BDHA our professionals want to give back to a community and to a profession that has been good to us. Our Principal and Associates participate in professional organizations and community groups. Our Speaker’s Bureau provides free speakers for a variety of security and safety topics.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
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