Vulnerability Analysis
At Bruce D. Harman & Associates, LLC our vulnerability analysis (VA) is a systematic approach used to analyze the effectiveness of the overall (current or proposed) security system at a particular facility. Our vulnerability analysis determines the security objectives of the facility’s physical protection, policies and procedures and personnel systems. Next, it identifies the physical protection elements in place (or proposed) to prevent or mitigate security concerns. Finally, it analyzes the system design against the objectives in a systematic, quantitative manner in order to determine if the physical protection system is effective and acceptable for that facility.
The primary purpose of a VA is to assess a facility’s security posture. The scope of this effort will include characterizing the facility and its operation, defining the threat, identifying security targets, determining security system objectives, identifying existing physical protection system elements, and analyzing the effectiveness of the security system, including identifying any deficiencies. This will aid in determining the need for equipment upgrades, or changes in policies and procedures.
Defining the Threat
Threat analysis is a study of the types of potential adversaries and their tactics, potential actions, motivations, and capabilities. Through this analysis, a facility should be able to match their security system elements to their needs. When defining the threat, BDHA will identify those threats that are common to your facility, keeping in mind that the facility must maintain the security and safety of those involved. Threat analysis involves a systematic review of the type of incidents that have occurred not only in the past, but what is happening today, and what might be expected in the future.
Findings and Recommendations
BDHA will provide our findings and recommendations which will identify any deficiencies or other areas of concern and make recommendations on equipment upgrades, policy and procedure changes, and possible manpower reallocations.
This vulnerability analysis report provides management a tool to be used in making critical decisions to ensure the safety of the public, facility staff and inmates. A comprehensive VA affords the administration the opportunity to make future planning decisions based on an acceptable methodology that can be used for budget considerations, manpower allocations, and establishing procedural guidance.
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